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Our internship flew past us as quickly as a rare Zambian bird. We got absorbed in the ritme of teaching the children and thinking of creative ways to use the content of the syllabus. Our strange birds site got a bit neglected due to internet shortage in Kabwe. 


But we didn't give up the true intent of our project. We decided to make an illustrated booklet with our finest ideas to pas on to the Zambian teachers but also to give ideas an bring awareness to Belgian teachers.

The drawings underneath are  a selection out of the drawings made to support the exercises. 


Interested in the booklet? You can always contact us for more information. You can find our contact details in the page header. 

End project

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shaduwbox 2.jpg
tik shaduw.jpg
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rag doll.jpg
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Article on klasse online made by Herlinde.


Our project also caught te attention of Klasse the Flemish magazine on teaching and education.


The article illustrates our adventures in Zambia.

Every illustration is accompanied by a short story.


Check the link below to view the result:



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